Recommended Tour

Great Adventures Package E ( Breakfast With Orang Utan + Bali Swing + Telaga SIngha Pool Bar )

Tour Description

Great Adventures Package E is an exciting package that offers tourists an opportunity to experience Bali's nature and culture while enjoying some of its most popular attractions. The package includes a visit to Bali Zoo, where visitors can enjoy breakfast with Orangutans, an unforgettable experience that allows visitors to have a close encounter with these majestic primates while enjoying a delicious breakfast.

After breakfast, visitors can enjoy a thrilling swing experience, one of Bali's most popular tourist attractions that offers a unique opportunity to swing over the stunning jungle valley with a breathtaking view. The package ends with a visit to Tlaga Singha Pool Bar, where visitors can relax and unwind while enjoying the beautiful view of the surrounding lush tropical jungle. The package includes zoo admission, buffet lunch all you can eat, welcome drink coffee/tea, entrance fee, food (fried rice/pizza/pasta), beverage (juice, lemon tea), pool access, towel, and locker, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for tourists.

Overall, Great Adventures Package E is an excellent itinerary for tourists who want to experience Bali's nature and culture while enjoying some of its most popular attractions. The package is suitable for families, groups, and solo travelers looking for a fun-filled and memorable day in Bali. With its diverse range of activities and stunning scenery, this package guarantees an unforgettable and exciting experience for tourists who want to explore Bali's great outdoors.

Itinerary :

  • Breakfast with Orang Utan
  • Swing
  • Tlaga Singha pool bar

Each Package Including :

  • Zoo admission
  • Buffet lunch all you can eat
  • Welcome drink coffee / tea
  • Entrance fee
  • Food (fried rice / pizza / pasta)
  • Beverage (juice, lemon tea)
  • Pool access
  • Towel
  • Locker

Note :

  • Available car up to 7 / 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 seater!

Breakfast with Orang Utan

Breakfast with Orang Utan adalah pengalaman unik yang bisa dilakukan di Taman Nasional Bali Barat di Bali, Indonesia. Seperti namanya, pengunjung dapat menikmati sarapan di dekat habitat orangutan dan melihat mereka bermain dan berinteraksi satu sama lain.


Swing adalah salah satu aktivitas yang menjadi daya tarik wisata di beberapa tempat, seperti Bali. Aktivitas ini melibatkan pengunjung yang duduk di atas sebuah ayunan yang digantungkan pada pohon atau tiang yang tinggi. Swing tersebut kemudian digoyangkan ke depan dan ke belakang dengan kecepatan yang bervariasi.

Tlaga Singha pool bar

Tlaga Singha Pool Bar adalah sebuah bar dan restoran yang terletak di tepi kolam renang di Nusa Dua, Bali. Bar ini menawarkan suasana santai dan nyaman untuk menikmati minuman ringan, makanan ringan, serta hidangan lokal dan internasional sambil berenang atau bersantai di sekitar kolam renang.

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